Our training programs are delivered in schools and post-secondary institutions all around the world. We work to train school leaders, educators, wellbeing teams and senior students to be equipped with the skills and confidence to recognise a person with thoughts of suicide and connect them to safety within their communities.
Following the LivingWorks safeTALK training in Manitoba, Canada 61.8% of all participants reported that suicide was a problem for students in their schools, an increase in suicide awareness of over 20%.
A 2018 evaluation of LivingWorks safeTALK implementation in a Manitoba high school found five statistically significant outcomes that resulted from participation in the workshops:
Participants gained new knowledge, skills and improved attitudes towards people who may be thinking of suicide.
Participants were better able to identify the signs and indicators of people thinking about suicide.
Participants reported being better able and more willing to support people thinking about suicide.
Participants were more aware of the available KeepSafe Connections in their school.
Participants were better aware of what to do if a friend tells them they are thinking about suicide.
A best practice model for integrating LivingWorks training into your school or educational setting is to consider all of the courses below being offered to people in various positions. By training educators and staff leaders as well as students and parents, you are empowering entire communities who can all support one another to create a network of safety in the school.
A 90 minute, online training that helps learners develop foundational skills to recognise when someone may be thinking of suicide and connect them to further help.
Most appropriate for school support staff, volunteers, parents/carers and senior students.
en français and en español!
Learn to talk openly about suicide, reach out to someone with thoughts of suicide, and connect them with further support in a half-day, face-to-face workshop. This more in-depth training also allows learners to practice skills and helps to address myths and barriers around suicide.
Most appropriate for teachers & educators, administration staff, school cleaners & groundskeepers and parents/carers.
Recognised as the gold standard in suicide intervention training, LivingWorks ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) is a two-day interactive and in-person workshop in suicide first-aid. Learners become ready, willing and able to intervene with someone who has thoughts of suicide, and help them develop a safety plan, access help and find hope.
Most appropriate for Principals and Deputies, all wellbeing staff, psychologists, chaplains and Year Advisors.
LivingWorks Faith is an online program that empowers Christian faith leaders to increase safety from suicide and minister to those who have experienced suicide loss. Faith training provides hope-centered, safety-focused interventions, and enriches life promoting ministries in support of purposeful living and self-care.
Most appropriate for school chaplains.
“LivingWorks ASIST training has been the most significant and practical training I have ever received for my job as an educator of young people.”
“We are the first point of contact with our vulnerable children. If we learn these skills as a collective, we are supporting a whole generation of children to manage these feelings and seek the necessary help that they and we deserve.”
“Participants were well engaged and spoke of the usefulness of the training for the broader school community including students and parents. Here’s to a Suicide safer community!”
“As a Teacher, I am quite critical of trainers and I hate going to PD where someone just talks to me the whole time. But, you took us on an emotional roller coaster and as difficult as that was, it is fantastic for learning and retention. Well done!”
LivingWorks suicide prevention skills training is the only training of its kind to be endorsed by the World Health Organization. Our training accredited by several organizations and associations across the globe, as well as listed within multiple best practice directories. This list is growing year on year.
Please fill out the form below to receive information about hosting a private face to face workshop for your organization/community group, or receiving a set of Start online training licenses.